

select a "Large pond" or "Small pool"

Some people say, the company can be compared to a fish pond and employees. Assumptions, the bigger fish the greater authority and power will he posses. In growing with career, we could choose, would be a big fish in small pond or small fish in the huge pond. Or maybe a big fish in big ponds and other possibilities. To ensure that every option has requirements and implications of each of them. Before you make a choice, this study can be considered:


Part of prestige arises when you are working in big companies are already well-established, the good news in the eyes of the " market " values of prestige, and you also come up with. You can present your position confidently. And in negotiations with external parties (suppliers, partners, etc.), you also automatically negotiating strength higher than if you work in a small company.

You can also hope maybe someday you'll be taken to another company, or at least you wouldn't be too hard to find work elsewhere after leaving the company. Unfortunately, the image may not match your salary. It may be that after you look at the right-left, you who have worked many years in large companies has received much less salary than your friends who work in small companies with a similar position.

If this becomes a problem, you can be learning opportunities to be a big fish in small ponds. Find the right time and the right company, try applying for a higher position by asking for higher salaries.

standard systems and procedures

Large companies often have to apply well established systems and procedures standard and proven standards. Positive side of this is that the rights, obligations and duties of each employee are clear. You have lived through it and is not necessary to create a new systems and procedures that needs more trial and error. Similarly, the package of compensation (salary, benefits and other guarantees) are usually well structured and made following the determination of the Government. If this is your place first at work, then you can learn to recognize systems and procedures in several departments in the outline.

Negative side, in this case the cutting edge is often difficult to change. If you are a very creative and bold new breakthrough, it seems you will not be too sheltered in the enterprise, unless you are on top.
Specialties, Mutation and Promotional of career

In large companies with a number of staff in the hundreds or even thousands, each employee is usually suitable only for  professionals but not " the odd ", if you work in a small company. In large companies, you can become highly skilled in one particular area, having worked for several years. Although in small companies, sometimes you have to handle multiple types of work, so you can expert in several fields at once, if you really want to learn many things.
In small companies, the competition for promotion or promoted, it is relatively easy. The good players will be easily visible, so the way to be promoted more widely. In large companies, more severe because the number of competitors and sometimes more difficult for you to see. It may be that you have spawned many achievements, but still not seen by your boss. Intense competition usually means a tendency to play politics in the office is also increasing, so it may be difficult to move up because there are certain parties who do not want you to get a promotion. Many say, to be a big fish in big ponds, competence alone may not be enough, but it also takes political maturity.

In large companies, there is an opportunity for mutations to other parts, whether desired or not. If you do not perform in a department, either because of incorrect placement or another, you may be transferred to another department more in line with your competence. Or when you're stuck in the department of certain career because your boss does not budge on his position, but your accomplishments are recognized, it may still open the opportunity for you to be transferred as well as promotion to a higher level in other departments. Meanwhile, in small companies, because this organization is simple, you do not have much choice.

Last but not least,

You know what is most exciting to be a big fish in small pond? The challenge to transform a small pond into a big pond! So, the choice of which one is better? Large pond or small pool? Only you can decide based on the analysis of the condition and all the attributes you have today ...